Meet Debra De Liso
Creator/Executive Producer/“Lorraine”

As an artist, Debra is no stranger to the power of personal experiences in creative endeavors. Her ability to infuse her work with authenticity stemmed from the profound understanding that the best creations often sprouted from lived encounters.

When it came to developing the character of Lorraine, Debra has skillfully harnessed multiple facets of her own life and the women who have influenced her along the way.
Lorraine is more than just a fictional protagonist on the pages of Small Town. She embodies the strength, resilience, and vulnerabilities of not just one woman, but a mosaic of several remarkable individuals who had traversed Debra's path.

Each of these women possessed unique qualities that had left an indelible mark on Debra's perception of the world, and it is through Lorraine that these extraordinary qualities found a voice.
Some aspects of Lorraine echoed Debra's own journey. Her dreams, her aspirations, her triumphs, and her tribulations were all woven into the very fabric of Lorraine's existence. Debra revealed fragments of her own identity through Lorraine's perspective, her emotions manifesting with a vividness that only true experience could offer.
Yet, Lorraine was not a mere mirror image of Debra. She encompasses the essence of other women, notably her own mother.
As Debra breathed life into Lorraine, she imbued her with the amalgamated strengths and weaknesses that she had witnessed firsthand. Each woman's resilience, determination, and ability to overcome obstacles molded Lorraine into a captivating character that resonates with audiences.
Debra's artistry lies in her ability to blend realism with imagination, shaping Lorraine into a multidimensional figure capable of evoking empathy and understanding.

By incorporating elements of her own experiences and paying homage to the women who had shaped her, Debra has ensured that Lorraine becomes more than just a character; she is a vessel through which the audience can explore their own connections to the human


Andrew Robinson ("Bud")